Pre-Operative Guidelines For Gynecomastia Surgery Patients

1.     STOP SMOKING AT LEAST 1 MONTH PRIOR TO SURGERY and at least 2 weeks AFTER surgery because smoking will interfere with healing and can lead to various post operative complications.

2.     DISCONTINUE MEDICATIONS CONTAINING aspirin, ibuprofen, blood-thinners, Vitamin E, and ALL herbal supplements at least 1-2 weeks prior to and 1 weeks after surgery. These medications can cause prolonged bleeding. Tylenol is safe to take just before and after surgery, if needed.

3.     FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS BEFORE your day of surgery and keep them at your bedside at home along with a notepad to help keep track of the medications you have taken. Expect some forgetfulness up to 36 hours post-op and during narcotic use. Also, have food in your stomach before you take your medications to minimize any nausea. DO NOT drive or drink alcohol when taking narcotic pain medication.

4.     BRING YOUR PAIN MEDICATION WITH YOU on the day of surgery, so that the nurse can verify your medications and administer, if needed.

5.     IF YOU ARE PRONE TO NAUSEA OR MOTION SICKNESS let your physician know. Routine anti-nausea medications will be given through your IV in the operating room to prevent nausea as well as antibiotics, steroids for swelling, and pain medications before you wake up from surgery. If necessary, medications can also be prescribed to prevent nausea at home.

6.     CONSTIPATION IS NORMAL FOLLOWING SURGERY. General anesthesia slows down the GI tract and narcotic pain medication increases the likelihood of constipation It is okay to take a stool softener (such as over-the-counter Colace) or fiber bulkers (such as Metamucil or Fibercon) following surgery. Drink lots of water and be sure to eat a well balanced diet including fruits and vegetables the days before and after surgery.

7.     DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING 12 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR SCHEDULED SURGERY TIME. You may have clear liquids (7-up, apple juice or water) up to 6 hours before surgery.

8.     ARRANGE FOR A RESPONSIBLE ADULT TO TAKE YOU HOME AND STAY WITH YOU FOR 24 HOURS after surgery. Although everyone heals differently and has varied pain thresholds, expect some soreness, fatigue, mood swings and some fogginess for a minimum of 1 week post-op. Swelling and bruising typically peak at day 4-5 post-op during the normal healing process. Arrange child care if possible, and plan to be off work until you are feeling better and your doctor says it is safe to resume your activities.

9.    PLEASE HAVE ANY NECESSARY PRE-OP BLOOD TESTS OR ECG RESULTS Whats App to our office at +91-9879546805 ASAP. We should receive your test results at least 1-2 days before surgery.

10.     PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. We are all here to make your surgical experience as comfortable as possible.

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